Welcome to the UHBW Skills Hub
The Skills Hub is a centralised resource which will provide the required skills and training to adequately and safely equip staff to work at the Trust. Created by the University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust Education and Resourcing Teams to ensure that all staff, whether you are current, returning or brand new to the Trust, receive the correct training and support needed before beginning work or performing a role which you may not previously have done before.
In response to Covid-19, we have created a series of training programmes which can provide access to a host of online courses and on-the-job training options to give you all the skills you will need to start work. We have also reduced the length and increased the frequency of our Corporate Induction to allow people to start work sooner.
The Skills Hub provides:
- A manager referral service for new and returning clinical staff who need to be upskilled before starting work
- Signposts and offers advice and guidance from the Education Team and Resourcing.
Upskilling for Clinical Staff (by internal referral only)
The Skills Hub will receive referrals from service leads regarding the upskilling and training that existing staff might need at this time. Currently a bespoke programme of activity is available for existing and new staff coming into the organisation. We recognise that requests might change over time so this offer will be updated and altered on request and in response to service needs. Requests for clinical staff will be received either from our Service Leads or via our Resourcing Team, however if an individual has a query please contact us on SkillsHub@uhbw.nhs.uk
Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH) have also created an e-learning programme in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic that is free to access, without logging in*, for the entire UK health and care workforce, including those working in the NHS, the independent sector and social care. More information on HEE e-Learning for CoVID-19 can be accessed here.
Are you a manager looking for additional resource to fill empty shifts?
If you are a manager at the Trust looking to fill empty shifts, you should contact the Temporary Staffing Bureau in the usual way. Not sure how to do it? Email tsb@uhbw.nhs.uk
Admin and clerical shifts: Please complete this e-form with the details of your request. E-form not working for you? Email AdminRequests@uhbw.nhs.uk
The temporary staffing bureau will get back to you within 48 working hours to take your request forward.
Types of Training
A list of a few of the Skills Training courses we aim to provide:
- Refresher course for retire and returning clinical staff
- Transition workshop for Internal staff working in non-clinical roles returning to clinical practice
- Shortened Induction for new staff inclusive of PPE
- Manual Handling
- Resuscitation
- Nursing Assistant training programmes
- Simulation
- Access to online refresher courses